watchmenPrivacy I'm listening a #watchmenPrivacy podcast where they touched the topic about the dDos attack on internetArchive and It makes me think about the time of the attack. When you look about the history facts online where do you go? Internet Archive of course. I also used it to StellarStoic Nov 7, 2024, 7:59 AM
blackHat InternetArchive have no enemies among #blackHat s. We know they are underfunded and can't pay any extortion. The lobbyist of copywriters are against them and what should we do to help #InternetArchive? Pirate everything and stop buyin lobbyist shit! #Copyright gives you the right to copy. It' StellarStoic Oct 25, 2024, 10:23 AM
internetArchive I've read the first few pages of a thesis written by John Louis Peeke in 1977 titled JEWISH — ZIONIST TERRORISM AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ISRAEL and I learned, that if France would not fall under the Nazi occupation in 1940 the Palestinian state would've been 70y StellarStoic Feb 3, 2024, 10:39 PM