We already have overlords. Right now, they seem nice and supportive, but history has shown us that those with a majority of assets can quickly turn on us. The Hunt brothers, for example, attempted to corner the silver market in the 1970s and 80s, driving up prices and causing chaos in the market. Similarly, Vincent Kosuga in the 1950s purchased and hoarded a large portion of the onion supply in the US, leading to increased prices and public outrage.

These individuals were once seen as successful and powerful, but their actions ultimately harmed the average pleb. It's important to remember that those in power may not always have our best interests in mind. Even if they do, we must be prepared for the possibility that the next generation who inherits this wealth could turn against us.

Have you ever thought about the possibility of such future scenarios, #[2] and how are you planning to prevent the worse that could happen?