The perfect example why every US government is full of hypocrites.

On a dollar bills they have "in god we trust". Their elected presidents sworns at the inauguration with a hand on a bible. We all know the famous words from movies when someone testify on court..."Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?" And a person replies with a hand on a bible.
You get the point how easily the system can be rigged!
We hear all over, bible this bible that but the fact is, most of them don't respect the bible.

Israel is made up country made by the west to influence the middle east region.

Palestine is a state which has been bullied and systematically wiped out. But they'll never succeed doing so because bible is on the side of Palestinians!

And for the end of my angry note... US gov. Is the disease of all imbalance in the world.
