history War of the worlds is well known radio drama broadcasted on a Halloween day in 1938 and it caused a widespread panic in the region. Here is full uncut broadcast of this broadcast. Action begins around 11 minutes Wikipedia link #history #radio #warOfTheWorlds… StellarStoic Oct 25, 2024, 11:15 AM
blackHat InternetArchive have no enemies among #blackHat s. We know they are underfunded and can't pay any extortion. The lobbyist of copywriters are against them and what should we do to help #InternetArchive? Pirate everything and stop buyin lobbyist shit! #Copyright gives you the right to copy. It' StellarStoic Oct 25, 2024, 10:23 AM
Oh boy, how much I'm annoyed with websites which trick you to upload data in a hope that's the last step in the process to get results back. But no! They are asking to log in or create an account! After I already bupload the file! StellarStoic Oct 24, 2024, 10:01 PM
Let's travel back in time, to the Bitcoin v0.1 Alpha era, to be exact. "You can get coins by getting someone to send you some, or turn on Options->Generate Coins to run a node and generate blocks. I made the proof-of-work StellarStoic Oct 23, 2024, 9:25 PM
"I peeked trough a hole in public toilet and saw a person just staring at the door, without a phone or newspaper! What a weirdo." ~pooNon… StellarStoic Oct 23, 2024, 12:52 PM
asknostr Does anyone have or know where can I get the high resolution image for printing of the Executive Order 6102. I've searched trough most of US National archives (even the gov. printing office) online but can't find the exact image. #askNostr #executiveOrder6102… StellarStoic Oct 23, 2024, 10:35 AM
I am starting to see connections between 9/11 and 10/7 Both gave green light to achieve "something" which otherwise could not be approved. Fear and uncertainty are a powerful mass control tools.… StellarStoic Oct 22, 2024, 12:54 PM
dating OMG how cruel meeting a woman was in the old days 😱 You'll be grateful for current dating apps when the worst thing she could do is to swipe left #dating… StellarStoic Oct 22, 2024, 11:17 AM
toiletThoughts 🚽💭 Here's a test to see how disconnected the people in charge of running our systems are from the realities faced by the average citizen. Try to get in contact with one of them. They live in their own bubbles, isolated from the everyday struggles of ordinary people. They StellarStoic Oct 22, 2024, 9:55 AM
comedy In the early days of podcasts I came across a fun old comedy show. I forget the name of the show but only knew the husband's name was George. Today I've found it again. The name of the show is My Favourite Husband #comedy #podcast… StellarStoic Oct 22, 2024, 8:28 AM
fckFiat Fight against central banks ridiculous claims about Bitcoin is in our hands. Start making nice websites where we explain visitor why that's not true with simple to understand examples and examples why central bank issued currencies are the worst with nicely presented graphics how much value that currency StellarStoic Oct 21, 2024, 7:08 AM
I love 💜 nostr, but I don't like how most web apps ignore signing on mobile devices without directly exposing our nSecs. NIP-47 (example is Amber) should be a norm in every interaction with a nostr client simply because the www became mobile first and we are loosing StellarStoic Oct 21, 2024, 6:49 AM
cashu I think Cashu is not so well known or appreciated. Interesting thing indeed 🧐 #cashu #eCash… StellarStoic Oct 20, 2024, 2:06 PM
Bitaxe Bitaxe magicians now intruduced a lot of updates in the latest version 2.3.0 and one neat feature I really like is to have a fallback pool. If your primary pool goes down for some reason, #Bitaxe will connect to other pool and continue to mine with the fallback… StellarStoic Oct 19, 2024, 5:54 PM
diy This seems to be a really fun #DIY project to make RC cars for/with your kids. 👀 👩🏻💻… StellarStoic Oct 19, 2024, 6:56 AM
asknostr How do you fight a ghost 👻 if you can't even punch it? #askNostr… StellarStoic Oct 15, 2024, 8:48 PM