FlipperZero There are many. You can use your smartphone or any other U2F keys in the wild. I use my #FlipperZero as a hardware key but there's many other alike. Like this tiny open source U2F key 🔐… StellarStoic Jan 10, 2024, 7:10 PM
Bitaxe My #Bitaxe order from Altair Technology arrived within one week from US to Europe If you want plug and play Bitaxe Ultra where you need to set minimum basic settings like WiFi, pool and your Bitcoin address for potential #lottery rewards Altair got your back 🤙🏻 But EU buyers should be… StellarStoic Jan 9, 2024, 7:08 PM
You know you are dealing with a government website when you see this advanced javascript warning😃… StellarStoic Jan 8, 2024, 7:08 PM
A few years ago, I personally witnessed something remarkable during a complete renovation of an office space. Beneath the floor where the kitchen and dining area were located, we discovered a mouse had meticulously organized different types of pasta noodles and nuts. Macaroni was neatly placed in one corner, bow… StellarStoic Jan 7, 2024, 10:26 PM
ScorchedEarth Good ol' times #ScorchedEarth #TankGame #Dos #Vintage… StellarStoic Jan 7, 2024, 11:54 AM
The tricky part of building on the Moon or Mars is finding a way to replace the water component in building materials. On the other hand, why do we need houses on the Moon? There's no weather to protect us from, except solar radiation. This can be easily StellarStoic Jan 7, 2024, 10:40 AM
nostrudel.ninja is really nice but z-index in their code can fuck with you quite a bit… StellarStoic Jan 6, 2024, 5:17 PM
I find this book called "You Are Your Own Gym" and right at the beginning, I found this... "THE POPULARITY OF TRAINING EQUIPMENT, systems, and fad diets is mostly the result of marketing—not a genuine attempt to help a generally out-of-shape society reach higher StellarStoic Jan 6, 2024, 11:07 AM
Tea and warm warm knitted hoodie always helps 😊 "Our planet" , Netflix series in which David Attenborough is narrator are in my opinion quite a great recipe for such days when body needs to rest… StellarStoic Jan 5, 2024, 4:19 PM
I know how important regular sleep cycles are but I'm always breaking them.… StellarStoic Jan 5, 2024, 12:06 AM
IBM doing their part for open source AI, teaching people understanding them 💜… StellarStoic Jan 3, 2024, 4:21 PM
Great show 👏🏻 Scott said the discord is very active but why it is only available to paid subscriber? What am I missing? Am I doing something wrong. I've been subscribed for a while and I did saw more massages but lately I've been locked out? Does StellarStoic Jan 3, 2024, 9:05 AM